
Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors
OptoTemp 2000 Designed for reliable operation in harsh chemical and electrical environments, the OptoTemp 2000 is unaffected by microwave radiation and plasma. It measures temperature using fluorescence decay, a field proven technique in hundreds of industrial installations for more than 20 years.
Features include:
Immune to EMI, RF and microwave
Operates up to 1,000°C
Precise and reliable
Inert all-crystalline probe
Micro sensing tip
Applications include:
Microwave/RF heating
Chemical processing
Molten metal measurements
Plasma processing
Semiconductor processing
Product OptoTemp 2000
Channels Up to 4
Measurable temperature range Flex:  15°C to 230°C
Super:  15°C to 400°C
Ultra:  150°C to 1,000°C
Response Time 250 msec
Sample Rate 4 samples/sec
Precision ± 1.0°C RMS or better
Accuracy ± 2.0°C or better
Power 5W 7.5VDC wall adapter at 90-260VAC, 47 to 63Hz
Output Port RS-232
Display LCD
Dimensions 15 cm x 7 cm x 3.5 cm
Housing material Anodized aluminum
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